Thursday 3 July 2014

Its been a year since I have posted anything and I am feeling very shameful for that. Not only I have broken the sacred vows of blogging I have been inconsistent in one thing I was consistent at. But remorse is not the solution here, I need to sit up(or lay down!!) take out my wand(in my case its a 'PEN') and finally cast out a spell on my diary. And believe it or not I've done that, many a times. 
But being a writer of some sorts I am a procrastinator which is evident from my BLOG.
But I have shed of my dirty clothes(I think I have!!) and at this moment wearing my new ones(Just to be clear I am in the habit of using a lot of metaphors so take it as one, I cannot type while trying on clothes!).
So here goes my redemption in the form of a poem, which I wrote almost 3 months ago!

Its UNTITLED so deal with that :P, but I will welcome any thoughts on the title.


Blasphemy! is what they yelled when we changed our ways,
Superstition! is what they cried when some other GOD we prayed,
Chaos! is what we imposed when in the right direction we chased,
Tyrants! are we called, to break ourselves free from this endless maze...

What are we and what we are not?
shouldn't we decide for ourselves whether we are free or our life's caught?
caught in this bizarre world, the same world whose false values and morals one we fought! ,
fought so relentlessly, so bravely, trying to grow plants in a season of drought....

Is this what this is now?
doing the impossible is what our live converges to, How?
How did this happen?

How did our worship change to blasphemy, to superstition?
Our fidelity to tyranny?

How can a order bring so much Chaos?
Did we diverge from our cause or the world converged into a pause?

If their pause is what are blasphemy, tyranny, superstition , 
we are honored to be in this condition
we are thankful to the world for creating this situation in which our thoughts are perceived as insinuation......

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